A concept paper is recommended by universities in order to get a preview of the research that the scholars want to undertake. It enables them to get to the core reason why research scholars want to pursue research in a particular topic and how they will initiate and progress their research report. It is generally only 2-3 pages in length but it is integral that the scholars gain perfection in writing their PhD research concept paper.
For Writing PhD concept paper the following steps need to be followed –

  1. The geographical location of the research and the groups and communities that will be affected need to be listed down.
  2. The questions that the scholars need to or will attempt to answer with the help of their research need to be mentioned.
  3. The methods used to conduct the research need to be mentioned and written to.
  4. All the relevant literature in the research that the scholar are pursuing need to be studied and if some are used as reference, then they need to be mentioned.
  5. A well developed hypothesis need to be written too.
  6. The time line of the research is also integral and must be written.
  7. Hence, it is important for research scholars follow the above mentioned steps in order to write a concept paper which will be approved by the committee.

Our concept paper writing services provides fully plagiarism & error free content for scholars with completely well researched explained data using data analysis methodology.