Merge Your Thesis With Ideas Efficiently

Posted by on Aug 22, 2017 in Ph.D. Thesis Help | Comments Off on Merge Your Thesis With Ideas Efficiently

Students find it incredibly hard to choose a thesis topic. This is perhaps a challenging experience during the beginning of your thesis career. Choosing the right topic is beyond straightforward, causing students to get unduly anxious about the whole process. But rest assured, a good attitude and a good strategy can help you with merging your ideas with the thesis topic of your choice. You really want to choose a topic that you are really passionate about. PhD is a challenging academic experience; in that case, you stick to something that you are already passionate about for your thesis. Besides that, you will research on that topic for the next 4 to 5 years of your life, and start to build your career as an independent researcher. Try not to make your thesis into an over ambitious project. Gather all your ideas and form one central research question. Then lay out the plan that will help you answer key questions about the central idea. In order to come up with a unique idea, you must research on existing idea. The best way is to read journals on that topic. Find out what has already been done in the field, what has already been published? The next goal is to identify some fresh ideas or questions that have so far remained unanswered. You will get a well-rounded perspective once you have considered different ideas. When you are looking at several different ideas, it will help you understand which idea you genuinely wish to pursue. You also want to make sure that no one had the same ideas as you in the past. You must check for published research papers that may have the same central theme as your thesis topic. Additionally, you will also have to answer why is your thesis topic relevant. What is new and unique about it? Why must the scientific community care and why must it get published? Once you have satisfactorily answered those questions you are ready to proceed with your thesis. Additionally, you must find arguments or references to support your ideas. It is not unusual to doubt the relevance of your chosen topic. In that case be patient, and have faith in the efforts you have put so far. If you have extensively researched on your ideas then it is most probably unique. You can also seek help from your thesis advisor, thesis committee members or your...

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First Step on the Ladder: Developing an Effective Concept Paper

Posted by on Aug 30, 2016 in Ph.D. Thesis Help | Comments Off on First Step on the Ladder: Developing an Effective Concept Paper

Do you have to develop a concept paper for your thesis? Do not worry! Read on to know how to develop an effective concept paper, which is actually the first step of the ladder to getting your research paper accepted. Statement of the Problem Start with statement of the problem, which is a reasoned and rational argument that presents the problem and entails the importance of the research. Critical Studies It will give you desired information for the ‘gap’ in the current researches and how your research will effectively fill the gap. You just need to write down the text for supporting your argument. Significance of the Research It specifies the different shareholders in the research and lays down the beneficiaries of the findings of the research. You also need to include the far reaching implications of the project findings. Research Questions In this section you need to precisely write down all the research questions. Write it in a clear way to ensure that it holds the essence of the research. Literature Review Here you need to write down the key areas of your studies. You can derive it from the key terms and elements in the research questions. Method You need to choose a method that will be ideal for getting answers to your research questions. You can utilize a process analysis approach for structure the method. You can add a brief literature review which will be central in the methodological section. If your research is based on certain materials or substances, animals, human subjects, etc., you can include information about the IRB protocol. Results and Analysis In this section you will have to write down the results, which are yet to be derived and analysis them according to your research questions. Discussion It will include an overview of the crucial research findings, limitations of your research and what do you recommend for future study. To ensure an effective concept paper, you have conceptual discussion with your guide and other committee members. To get a better idea about the skills for developing a successful concept paper, you can even take external help. Explore the internet and look for a credible online platform that offers concept paper developing services. The experienced and knowledgeable researchers hired by the online portal will discuss your research topic and help you develop a winning concept paper, one which will instantly impress your guide and other committee...

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How Should be the Format of Ph.D. Thesis

Posted by on Oct 8, 2014 in Ph.D. Thesis Help | Comments Off on How Should be the Format of Ph.D. Thesis

Universities ask their students to follow and maintain a format for their Ph.D. research thesis or report. For new student scholars, it becomes another researchable task to learn the sea of thesis format, they have been asked to follow in their research paper. There are various formats that can be followed by students for their thesis or research report. Usually, a university has its own set of requirements regarding thesis format, however, if there are no such requirements, then student can go with any of the popular formats. There should be double size margin for dissertations, excluding the space for title, header, footer, endnotes, heading, subheadings, and quotations. Page margin should be 1 unit from top, right, and bottom, and the left margin should be set at 1.5 units. Though, choosing an appropriate font entirely depends on the researcher, but it would be decent to not to pick a fancy style font. Times New Roman, Verdana, Calibri, etc. are a few elegant fonts that are widely used by research scholars. The colour of fonts should be black (mostly). In addition, special words, as words from foreign language, book titles, letters, etc. should always be written in italics. Quotations and statements can also be expressed in italicized words, however, it is not mandatory to do so. Furthermore, thesis, dissertation, or research reports should always be presented in standard A4 sized white papers. The measurements for this standard research paper sheets are 11 by 8.5 inches. No Correction marks and changes should be done on final paper – is the must have requirement for thesis or research paper. Many students present the copy that has proofreading and editing marks. It is never suggested to present your thesis in such condition. You will be lessening your chances of achieving high score. If you want to proofread the printed version of thesis, you can print it on a low cost paper, and then crosscheck it, and make necessary changes, and then print it on the desired quality...

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