Why is it Important to Write a Good Concept Paper?

Posted by on Nov 14, 2016 in Research Concept paper | Comments Off on Why is it Important to Write a Good Concept Paper?

Your PhD journey starts with writing a good concept paper. Concept paper lays down the foundation for your dissertation process, offering an introductory type of communication between you and your mentor and doctoral committee. Typically, a concept paper works as a proposal, allowing you the ideal opportunity for defining your research focus and obtaining early feedback on your research topic and idea. You cannot proceed further until and unless your concept paper is approved and appreciated by the doctoral committee. But this reason, it is crucial for you to write a well planned concept paper that will instantly capture the interests of your dissertation committee. It will also help you in establishing a clear plan for your dissertation. With a well written concept paper, you can easily and confidently move forward with your dissertation and know which step you need to take next. There will be no room for ambiguity or any form of confusion. When to write your research concept paper? You need to complete your research concept paper before writing your dissertation proposal. It will serve as a summary of the planned dissertation and a developmental tool. It is actually a concise document. All depending on the requirements of a specific research program, a concept paper may range from 2 to 4 pages to even 10 to 15 pages. The main thing about writing the concept paper is explaining the importance of your research project and why you have chosen the topic and how its finding will be helpful in the future. If your concept paper is not up to the mark or confusing, you may fail to create a good impression among the doctoral committee and they may end up rejecting your concept paper. You need to explain the vitality of your research topic and the method you will follow in just a few pages. So, you need to be smart and creative in your approach in writing the paper. If you are finding it difficult to write the paper, you can always seek external help. With the ready availability of the online medium, you can explore the internet and search for a prominent online portal that is dedicated in helping research scholars write creative and impressive concept paper. With expert advice and assistance, you can smooth draft your concept paper and submit it to the doctoral committee. The chances of getting your concept paper approved will be...

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How Should be the Format of Ph.D. Thesis

Posted by on Oct 8, 2014 in Ph.D. Thesis Help | Comments Off on How Should be the Format of Ph.D. Thesis

Universities ask their students to follow and maintain a format for their Ph.D. research thesis or report. For new student scholars, it becomes another researchable task to learn the sea of thesis format, they have been asked to follow in their research paper. There are various formats that can be followed by students for their thesis or research report. Usually, a university has its own set of requirements regarding thesis format, however, if there are no such requirements, then student can go with any of the popular formats. There should be double size margin for dissertations, excluding the space for title, header, footer, endnotes, heading, subheadings, and quotations. Page margin should be 1 unit from top, right, and bottom, and the left margin should be set at 1.5 units. Though, choosing an appropriate font entirely depends on the researcher, but it would be decent to not to pick a fancy style font. Times New Roman, Verdana, Calibri, etc. are a few elegant fonts that are widely used by research scholars. The colour of fonts should be black (mostly). In addition, special words, as words from foreign language, book titles, letters, etc. should always be written in italics. Quotations and statements can also be expressed in italicized words, however, it is not mandatory to do so. Furthermore, thesis, dissertation, or research reports should always be presented in standard A4 sized white papers. The measurements for this standard research paper sheets are 11 by 8.5 inches. No Correction marks and changes should be done on final paper – is the must have requirement for thesis or research paper. Many students present the copy that has proofreading and editing marks. It is never suggested to present your thesis in such condition. You will be lessening your chances of achieving high score. If you want to proofread the printed version of thesis, you can print it on a low cost paper, and then crosscheck it, and make necessary changes, and then print it on the desired quality...

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