First Step on the Ladder: Developing an Effective Concept Paper

Posted by on Aug 30, 2016 in Ph.D. Thesis Help | Comments Off on First Step on the Ladder: Developing an Effective Concept Paper

Do you have to develop a concept paper for your thesis? Do not worry! Read on to know how to develop an effective concept paper, which is actually the first step of the ladder to getting your research paper accepted. Statement of the Problem Start with statement of the problem, which is a reasoned and rational argument that presents the problem and entails the importance of the research. Critical Studies It will give you desired information for the ‘gap’ in the current researches and how your research will effectively fill the gap. You just need to write down the text for supporting your argument. Significance of the Research It specifies the different shareholders in the research and lays down the beneficiaries of the findings of the research. You also need to include the far reaching implications of the project findings. Research Questions In this section you need to precisely write down all the research questions. Write it in a clear way to ensure that it holds the essence of the research. Literature Review Here you need to write down the key areas of your studies. You can derive it from the key terms and elements in the research questions. Method You need to choose a method that will be ideal for getting answers to your research questions. You can utilize a process analysis approach for structure the method. You can add a brief literature review which will be central in the methodological section. If your research is based on certain materials or substances, animals, human subjects, etc., you can include information about the IRB protocol. Results and Analysis In this section you will have to write down the results, which are yet to be derived and analysis them according to your research questions. Discussion It will include an overview of the crucial research findings, limitations of your research and what do you recommend for future study. To ensure an effective concept paper, you have conceptual discussion with your guide and other committee members. To get a better idea about the skills for developing a successful concept paper, you can even take external help. Explore the internet and look for a credible online platform that offers concept paper developing services. The experienced and knowledgeable researchers hired by the online portal will discuss your research topic and help you develop a winning concept paper, one which will instantly impress your guide and other committee...

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